ancient shamanic myth in the context in the community affected by war and division
The myth is also reflected in the poetry of Swedish poet Mara Lee and in the poetics of Kim Hyesoon from whose book ‘Woman, I Do Poetry’ the translated title Community of Parting derives. It further resonates in various narratives by South Korean, North Korean, and diasporic women who negotiate how gender bias along with colonialism, modernity, and war have resulted in radical ruptures while unfinished histories continue to linger.
In its multi-layered approach through which multiple voices, narratives, and images come together through delicately edited montage sequences, I was formally interested in creating a film that mediates in a way similar to the shamanic ritual, which really is a blurring of boundaries between mundane time and ritual time, between the living and the dead, self and other, and the work similarly is an attempt at blurring boundaries between filmic genres and tracing a genealogy of female creation that departs from modernist Western notions of artistic genius and autonomy by rather stressing a collaborative and mutually informed and inspired approach to creation.