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Body Obituary, 2020

Spoken word



You went s-sou-soundless. You went s-sil-silent. I went s-sou-soundless too. I went si-silent too. I am un-undone by you. I am exposed in an interrupted p-p-pro-prospect, a hope that h-has nowhere to p-pl-place. I lost myself in not knowing, looking for an answer that up in the air. The answer went s-s-s-soundless. The answer went s-ssss-silent.



Is your name, written on my obituaries?

Is your affliction, occupied a line on my newspaper?   



I s-s-suck you into my vortex of romance, s-sw-wirling and rolling in my tr-trea-treacly lines.

My romance s-s-swamped you. You are s-sw-swamped by my romance. s-s-soundlessly. S-s-silently.

In May 2020, New York Times published the death notices and obituaries of 1000 lives lost to coronavirus on its front page. Here I find these obituaries are functioning as a highly politicalised space. It leads to my attempt to reflect on such politicalization and restore the obituary to its depoliticalized state, returning the purpose of mourning for the deceased back to it.


I intend to create a sensual, auditory and virtual medium to hold the obituary, rather than a printed one. Then, spoken words replace the written words that are permanently printed on the papers. I intend to create a text in flux and changing manner. The whole replacement mimics the mind where one’s attachment to others take place. I further to explore the entangled and transient relationship we share with the deceased through spoken-word text and the action of speaking.


In order to intensify the connection and attachment. I collect the electric signals while an audio cable jack touching all over my body. The humming, white noise like sounds are used as the background of my spoken words. Headphones are required for my listeners here. In this operation my skin can contact with listener's skin through cables across distance. I am after a skin-to-skin, body-to-body connection.

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